Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is There a Future Subjunctive in Spanish

The future subjunctive is the most elusive verb tense of Spanish. It isnt mentioned in many textbooks for Spanish students, and its absent from most conjugation tables. But it still is understood by many Spanish speakers and finds occasional use. Verb Form Has Disappeared From Everyday Use Much like verb forms such as wanteth and saith in English, the future subjunctive in Spanish is all but obsolete. Youre extremely unlikely to hear it used in everyday speech; the only times youre likely to come across it are in literature, in some legal language, in especially flowery language, and in a few phrases such as Venga lo que viniere (come what may, or, literally, what is coming is what will come) or Adà ³nde fueres haz lo que vieres (wherever you go, do what you see, or,  roughly, when in Rome do what the Romans do). It is fairly common in plays from the Golden Age, so it appears that at one time it was used in both speech and writing. But today it has all but disappeared. Fortunately, if you ever have the occasion where you need to know the future subjunctive, its fairly easy to learn if you already know the r form (the more common form) of the imperfect subjunctive. The -ra- in the imperfect subjunctive ending is replaced by -re-, so the future subjunctive forms of hablar, for example, are hablare, hablares, hablare, hablà ¡remos, hablareis and hablaren. Generally, today the present subjunctive is used for both present and future tenses where the subjunctive mood would otherwise be called for. Thus, in a sentence such as espero que me dà © un regalo (I hope she will give me a present) or no creo que venga (I dont believe hell come), the present subjunctive (dà © and venga) is used even though were talking about an event that might happen in the future. You have no need to learn the future subjunctive for  competent use of the language, just as the foreign learner of English typically has no need to learn the verb forms of Shakespeare or the King James Version of the Bible. Future Subjunctive in Literature In literature, the future subjunctive is often used in clauses following si (if) and cuando (when), such as in si tuvieres mucho, da con abundancia (if you have much, give generously). In those cases now wed usually use the present indicative with si and the present subjunctive with cuando. In current legal usage, where the future subjunctive is most common today, the form is used mostly in cases involving an indefinite person (translated one who or he who) as in el que hubiere reunido mayorà ­a absoluta de votos serà ¡ proclamado Presidente de la Repà ºblica (the one who receives an absolute majority of votes will be proclaimed president of the Republic). Sample Sentences Using the Future Subjunctive Lo que hablares lo hablarà ¡s a bulto. (What you speak you will speak without thinking. This is literary use; in modern Spanish, the future subjunctive would be replaced by the present subjunctive.) Ésta es la ley para el que hubiere tenido plaga de lepra, y no tuviere mà ¡s para su purificacià ³n. (This is the law for the one who has leprosy and who doesnt have the means for getting purified. The is from an old translation of the Bible; in modern versions, the present subjunctive is used in both instances.) No pueden ser tutores las personas de mala conducta o que no tuvieren manera de vivir conocida. (Persons of ill conduct or those who have no known means of support cannot be legal guardians. This is legal language taken from current regulations in Spain.) En los establecimientos que vendieren otros productos, solo permitirà ¡n la entrada a los menores con el fin de que compren otros productos diferentes a los licores. (In establishments that sell other products, the entry of minors will be permitted only if they are buying products other than liquors. This is excerpt from current Costa Rican regulations.) Key Takeaways Much like obsolete verb forms found in English literature from Shakespeares day, the Spanish future subjunctive is a verb form that once was common but is no longer has everyday use.In modern Spanish, the future subjunctive has been replaced by the present subjunctive, although the future subjunctive still has some formal legal usage.The future subjunctive is conjugated in the same way as the imperfect subjunctive, except that the -ra- in the ending becomes -re-.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Sexism in American Culture - 1224 Words

When turning on the TV, a car commercial appears with men justifying driving an expensive and powerful sports car by complaining about what females in their lives require. Though women slowly gain economic power, the media never represents them as leaders thus reflecting American culture’s view of women. Sexism prevails in American culture and workforce, teaching sexism while denying its presence. Americans must shift their culture to impede sexism because it oppresses women. Media, one of the most influential reflections of culture, under represents women and displays them in stereotypical positions. Paula Lobo and Rosa Cabecinhas, Professors of Communication at University of Minho, highlight sex-discrimination within the media in†¦show more content†¦Determining women to be less productive, competitive, intelligent, or any other characteristic because of her gender disvalues her, turning her into an object instead of a subject. The pay gap between genders exhibits sexism in America yet some researchers are in denial. Warren Farrell, expert on gender issues within legislation and former board member of National Organization for Women, claims otherwise. In his book Why Men Earn More, he attributes difference in wages to females choosing human resources jobs, which pay less, and not choosing harsher jobs that pay more (Farrell). His overall point is that men sacrifice more thus companies pay more for those sacrifices. His argument only compares the genders when different job requirements alter wages, but does not mention wages of identical jobs. While many Americans and Farrell overlook sexism in careers, it is extremely evident in academia. The ratio of female to male positions and the salaries of those positions are blatant examples of unfairness. Linda Krefting, human resources professor at Texas Tech University and co-editor of Human Resource Reality, depicts the depressing reality for women in her article concerning the academic field. Though women earn 44 percent of doctorate degrees, only 33 percent of them have faculty positions. One would not expect a perfect 50:50 ratio, but this deficit is unacceptable. Additionally, on average women receive salaries 33 percent lower than what a male inShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Sexism In The Joy Luck Club779 Words   |  4 PagesChinese American immigrant families living in San Francisco. The novel is structured into four distinct, anecdotal sections: two dedicated to mothers and two dedicated to daughters. Tan’s approach to structure allows the interlocking stories betwee n mother and daughter to place emphasis on the issue of sexism. The purpose of Tan’s novel is to highlight that, even though American and Chinese societies drastically differ, there still remains a recurring theme of chauvinism. Erica Jong says, â€Å"Sexism kindRead MoreRacism And Racism Essay986 Words   |  4 Pagessimilarities between sexism and racism. Sexism occurs when a person’s gender or sex is used as the basis for discriminating. Females are more susceptible to sexism although males are also susceptible. Sexual harassment and rape are examples of extreme cases of sexism. Racism occurs when people of a particular race or ethnicity are discriminated against or made to feel inferior. The primary outcome of the paper after comparison is to determine most dehumanizing act between racism and sexism. The first similarityRead MoreThe Problem Of Gender Sexism1716 Words   |  7 Pageslot of powerless groups exist in this world, such as the group of women. The problem of gender sexism exists from the beginning of the history and still continues in today’s society. Women are still inferior to men in my country, whether from family and job status, social position and political views, women are treated unequal and disrespectful, therefore, this problem needs more abundant attention. â€Å"Sexism, like many forms of prejudice, only survives in a traditional environments and this is how itRead MoreResearch Study On Video Games Essay779 Words   |  4 PagesBenevolent Sexism B. S. Paul Stermer and Melissa Burkley, Oklahoma State University C. Psychology of Popular Media Culture 2015, Volume 4, No. 1, 47-55 D. This research study sought to determine if choosing to play video games for long periods of time that contained high values of sexist content is associated with projecting sexist attitudes. It was hypothesized that men, rather than women who played video games regularly with high sexist content would be considered higher in benevolent sexism (not hostile)Read MoreThe Positive and Negative Aspects of Video Games in Society968 Words   |  4 Pagesbecoming more prominent in our culture is video games. As it is becoming more prominent, it is also evolving throughout the years. Video games now are becoming more complex and influential in our society. People can use this type of entertainment was a way to relieve stress or a way to socialize with others online. Video games is almost available everywhere, from video consoles to cell phones, most Americans have played a video game before. The American myth is that Americans mostly view video games asRead MoreBlack Feminist1005 Words   |  5 PagesAfrican American women advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men (Oxford English Press). Black feminism argues that sexism, social class oppression, and racism are inseparably bound together (Collins). The feminist movement has been around since the 1880s when the word â€Å"Feminism† appeared in the French language (Collins). The word found traction in Britain in the 1890s, and the United States in 1910, feminism sought to influence popular culture by itsRead MoreAnalyzing Past And Present Hip Hop1590 Words   |  7 Pages Examining past and present Hip Hop Lyrics: How has the culture of Hip Hop changed overtime How has the Hip Hop culture changed overtime? In looking at the dynamic in which music has changed by its usage of language and various forms of dialect and productivity it is clear that Hip Hop is a lot different in today s modern society then in the 80 s and in the 90 s. In dissecting the lyrics of the Modern day lyrical rapper J.Cole and High End rapper Nas in order to understand the level of distinctionRead MoreInequality Between Men And Women1315 Words   |  6 Pages Inequality between Men and Women Trisha Stafford American Public University System Mrs. Decter Table of Contents Introduction 3 Defining â€Å"Social Problem† 3 Explaining Sociological Viewpoint 3 Chosen Social Problem Introduction 3 Thesis 3 Defining Sexism 3 Why is it a social problem? 3-4 Statistics 4 Identifying and Defining Four Concepts Related to Sexism 4-5 How is this problem being addressed? 5 Conclusion 6 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreWomen Are Not The Only Victims Of The Patriarchal Society1255 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause of societies patriarchal tendencies. The American society has historically trained women socially to support the idea of the woman at the home. In no shape or form has American society equipped women to be voicing their political eligibility, especially to the highest office of presidency. Patriarchy in the United States is not the sole reason of Hillary Clinton’s loss during the presidential election, but also because of the role that sexism plays in America’s society. Hillary Clinton’s genderRead MoreSocial Construction Of Race And Gender1529 Words   |  7 Pagesresult of the culture. The present society has created a large number of constructs which are not good. In this paper, the discussion will be done on the social construction of race and gender and the problems associated with the same. In addition to this, how can social construct forms to be the basis for discrimination and prejudice will be discussed? Further, racism and sexism will be discussed with examples. Further discussion will be done on patriarchy and its role in racism and sexism will be added

Sunday, December 15, 2019

William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Free Essays

William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is part of a group of 126 sonnets Shakespeare wrote that are addressed to a young man of great beauty and promise. In this group of sonnets, the speaker urges the young man to marry and perpetuate his virtues through children, and warns him about the destructive power of time, age, and moral weakness. Sonnet 18 focuses on the beauty of the young man, and how beauty fades, but his beauty will not because it will be remembered by everyone who reads this poem. We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shakespeare starts the poem with a metaphoric question in line one asking if e should compare the man to a summers day. This asks if he should compare the beauty of a summers day to the beauty of the young man about whom Shakespeare is writing. Line two of this poem states Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Temperate is used as a synonym for moderate by the author. In line two the speaker is describing the man as more lovely and more moderate than a summers day. This emphasizes the mans beauty and how the man is viewed by the speaker. Line three, Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, tells hy the mans beauty is greater than that of a summers day. Shakespeare uses rough winds to symbolize imperfections. The speaker is implying that there are no imperfections in the young man, but there are in the summer, so the man cannot be compared to a summers day. In line four the speaker adds to this thought by saying that the summer also does not last as long as the mans beauty therefore it cannot be compared to it. Line five states another imperfection of the summer. Shakespeare uses the eye of heaven as a metaphor in this line to describe the un. In line six Shakespeare uses the phrase gold complexion dimmed to describe the sun again which means that sometimes the sun is not hot enough, and that, as said in line five, sometimes the sun is too hot. In lines seven and eight the speaker ends the complication by describing how nature is never perfect. Line nine starts the resolution of the poem by using the conjunction but.. Eternal summer in line nine is referring back to the mans eternal beauty, using summer to symbolize beauty, and saying that the mans beauty will never fail like he summers beauty. In lines ten, eleven, and twelve the speaker says that the man, When in eternal lines to time thou growst (line 12) or when he grows old, will not lose possession of what is fair to him, and Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade (line 11) or he will not be poor in health and close to dying. Lines thirteen and fourteen say that as long as this poem is read, the mans beauty will never go away, because every time someone reads the poem they will be reminded of his beauty. This poem that Shakespeare wrote, in the octave, describes how all beauty fades except for the man about whom Shakespeare is writing. The octave also tells of how great the mans beauty is compared to everything else that is beautiful. In the sestet, the poem tells about how the mans beauty stays alive and out lives all other beauty. The poem is written in iambic pentameter. Shakespeare makes use of much symbolism and many other figurative devices in this poem that contribute and emphasize to the overall theme of the poem. How to cite William Shakespeares Sonnet 18, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Audit services of Simtec Ltd Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Audit services of Simtec Ltd. Answer: Non-violation The principle of objectivity needs the professional to be unbiased in the opinion or a conflict of interest should not arise or the opinion should not be influenced by any situation. It implies that the decision should be independent without falling under any undue influence (Church et. al, 2008). The Audit services of Simtec Ltd was managed by the Gordan Accountants from July 7th to 2nd September 2016 and it was stated by Simtec that the final payment will be based upon the receipt of the final report. If the terms and condition of the client are agreed upon by the Gordan Accountant then it would have been a violation of the principle of objectivity because then it would have been an undue influence from the client. Non violation As per the ethical principle of the professional behavior, it must be ensured by the professional that the necessary regulations must comply any activity that tarnishes the image of the profession must be avoided. In this scenario, David Dale is a local accountant and is asked by the Insurance Company to share the details of the client and even offered a 5% commission for every new client. In this case, if David accepts the condition laid down by the Insurance Company then it will be a huge disrespect to the Insurance Company as a professional is not expected to accept any commission from an outside body. Therefore, if David accepts the terms and conditions then it will breach the professional conduct and bring disrespect (Elder et.al, 2010). Self-Review Threat It is a threat that happens when a work or a judgment is required to be ascertained by the person who did that work. In this case, Ellen Davis is appointed as a Senior Account Manager for a span of 4 years in Jenkins Ltd, the firm Thornleigh Accountants appointed for the purpose of the audit. If there is an inclusion of Ellen in the audit team then it is a self-review threat because she has already been a part of this particular client firm and is well acquainted with all the facts and figures (Matthew, 2015). Further, she would not change the facts and figures and the review that has already been submitted. Hence, it will lead to a pre-defined action that will spoil the very nature of the process of accounting. Self-Interest threat In the provided case, John Dargin the audit manager has taken receipt of the accounts from the client Winmalee Ltd. In such accounts, the company has treated the expenditure development as a capital expenditure and did not include in intangible assets. The client has even provided details that were acquired and were sympathetic in their approach while doing the assets valuation. The preparation of reports has been done by the senior staff that has an interest in the profits scenario of the company (Gay Simnet, 2015). The auditor is provided with all the relevant details by the client company that can show the treatment of development expenditure is correct. It can be best described as a self-interest threat as the auditor has a fear that he will lose the client if all the points are not met as per the clients specification. References Church, B, Davis, S McCracken, S 2008, The auditors reporting model: A literature overview and research synthesis, Accounting Horizons vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 69-90. Elder, J. R, Beasley S. M. Arens A. A 2010, Auditing and Assurance Services, Person Education, New Jersey: USA Gay, G Simnet, R 2015, Auditing and Assurance Services, McGraw Hill Matthew S. E 2015, Does Internal Audit Function Quality Deter Management Misconduct?, The Accounting Review, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 495-52

Friday, November 29, 2019

The American Sheep Essays - Livestock, Megafauna, Sheep, Desire

The American sheep There are two common ways of thinking in any specific situation. The first being to fulfill ones own personal needs and desires with no specific regard for others around you. The second, basing your decision on how it will be viewed by others. The vast majority of people falls on the side of the second, being greatly worried and influenced by what others are saying and thinking. The looking glass selfis a term for the image that people have of themselves based on how they believe others perceive them. Both good and bad can come from living in this manner, for the most part however it has seemed to remain constant throughout history. People have a natural desire to belong, and fit in with a certain group. Whichever group an individual may choose it is almost inevitable that the individual will be forced at some point, to sacrifice part of themselves in order to obtain the sense of belonging that they desire. People are compelled to seek companionship, often feeling to weak to stand-alone. As a result, they choose to stand together in whatever group they are best suited to. For some this overwhelming fear of being alone can be disastrous. These are people who will stand together with any group good or bad simply to keep themselves from feeling alone. C.S. Lewis hypothesized that the desire to belong and fit in is a natural human characteristic. He believed that people have an instinctive drive to belong, in the same sort of way that a species instinctively is driven to reproduce. Often in society people forming groups commit unspeakable acts, finding shelter in the sheer numbers of those involved. A series of experiments performed some years back demonstrated a term known as blind obedience. A subject was placed in a control booth that contained a microphone and panel with a series of numbered switches. The subject was then instructed that he or she would ask specific questions to a participant in another room. Should the second subject respond with an incorrect answer, the inquisitor was instructed to flip the first switch in the succession. Administering an electric shock to the second subject, which was increased in severity with each incorrect answer given. In reality an electrical shock was actually not being administered, although the person asking the questions believed that it was. The sound of mild discomfort, such as ouch or a damn that smarts would accompany the flip of the first switch. As the severity of the shock was believed to be increased so was the sound of the suffering. Working up to agonizing screams of pain and pleading such as please I dont want to do this anymore and Im begging you please stop. Whenever the subject administering the shock began to show signs of compassion and not wanting to continue, the researchers quickly reassured them that it was perfectly ok. After explaining to the subject that it was all part of the experiment some people would continue exhibiting little or no resistance. Despite all of their senses telling them that what was happening went against their moral principals. Over eighty percent of the subjects, continued past the point where they believed that the next switch could actually endanger the very life of the other participant. When asked individually why they would cause another human being such pain, for the most part they responded by saying because they said it was okay. This can be directly related to the issue of people doing things because a higher social group or their own peer group gave their approval. In the particular example those involved sacrifice any sense of morals or upbringing that they may have had because they said it was okay. People throughout history have been influenced by members of society to try drugs, alcohol, and countless other unwise activities. The reason behind this is clear; the human desire to fit in and obtain a feeling of belonging is too strong for most to resist, when the consequences of resisting could mean having to stand-alone. I am reminded of the story of King Midas and his golden touch, although he possessed all the gold that a king could desire he was miserable

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write an Expository Essay on Drug Use and Its Consequences

How to Write an Expository Essay on Drug Use and Its Consequences When writing the expository essay on drug use and its consequences there are a few basic steps that you should follow: 1) Review the Information Given to You by Your Teacher What many students fail to do at the start of any writing task is to review the instructions and highlight key terms like â€Å"process† or â€Å"define† or â€Å"example†. These words are things which are important guidelines for you and knowing them can help you to know what your teacher expects. In addition to this, you want to highlight key instructions like: the number of pages or words; the number of sources required; the types of sources, if any; the spacing; the format and reference style required. 2) Select Your Topic Selecting the topic is a difficult step for students because often the first choice of topic is too broad (although it may be much easier with our suggested topics). If, for example, you are asked to write a two page essay, you need to ensure you have a topic which is narrow enough that you can introduce it, describe it, and conclude it within 2 pages. Obviously items such as â€Å"drug use† is far too broad for a 2 page paper. You would need to try and refine this. You can refine a large topic by: Adding a specific time period, such as between 2004-2005; Adding a specific person, such as an important individual who was studied; Adding a specific place, such as one city; Adding a specific demographic, such as males; Adding a specific age group; Adding a specific treatment. 3) Write Your Thesis Statement Do not feel obligated to stick with this original thesis statement, as it might change ever so slightly throughout the course of your writing. You want a single statement that best expresses your idea in such a way that it is not too broad and not to narrow, much like the Goldilocks of the thesis world. 4) Select Your Method for Developing the Content This refers to the way that you write out the exploratory content in such a manner that it serves your thesis best. This can be classification, examples, process analyses, or something else. 5) Organize the Content of Your Essay Now it is incumbent upon you set up an outline that best organizes the content you want to include. You should refer to any notes you have made and use them to write out the key concepts you want to present in the body of your essay and the supporting information (glance through the facts on the drug use that we have prepared for you beforehand). Remember that for each key item you need a separate paragraph. 6) Craft Topic and Transitional Sentences Every paragraph in your work needs a topic sentence at the start and a transitional sentence at the end. The topic sentence introduces the topic of that paragraph with words from the thesis and the transitional sentence easily moves the reader from one paragraph to the next. This is what creates good flow in your custom essay.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Chiang Kai-shek Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Chiang Kai-shek - Essay Example Although many critics blame him for the atrocities committed during his regime, many people greatly appreciate his achievements with regard to the country’s economic development. Â   The early years of Chiang Kai-shek were not very smooth but he managed to attend the Japanese Military Staff College. After completing his military education, he served in the Japanese Imperial Army for a number of years. A staunch supporter of Sun Yat-sen, Kai-shek returned to China in 1911 to help in the creation of the nationalists’ army. Sun Yat-sen chose Chiang Kai-shek as a leader of the Guomindang’s Military Academy which was situated in Whampoa2. In the course of time, the he was sent to Moscow to study about the organization of Red Army for a period of six months. As a leader of Guomindang, Chiang favoured his former workmates at Whampoa and consequently appointed them in various ranks within the Guomindang. Sun Yat-sen died in 1925 and there arose a power struggle among his possible successors as noted by Guangdi3. At the death of Sun yat-sen, Chiang was a right wing while Wang Jingwei, Sun Yat-sen’s comrade-in-arms, was a left wing adherent. Wang succeeded Sun Yat-sen as the national government’s Chairman as noted by Shieh4. Chiang was in a better position to succeed him because he was the leader of the Guomindang army. He was seen as a more suitable leader for the position because his disciplined and loyal army was more likely to fight for him rather than fight for others. Politically, Chiang was in a central position in China which gave him the capacity to control a wide region. He organised a fierce campaign against Guomindang warlords and consolidated his leadership position in 19265. He went further to control Nanking, Ca nton, and Beijing which were the most important Chinese cities at the time. During his tenure as government chairman, he served as party

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Are robots to blame for job polarization Research Paper

Are robots to blame for job polarization - Research Paper Example This fact has become a common concern. It was revealed that such a change is caused by a number of factors, among which there are: globalization, active and open trade, change in legislation and, the first and the outmost – the development of technology. â€Å"Such a decline had implications for the distribution of incomes. Labor income is more evenly distributed across U.S. households than capital income, while a disproportionately large share of capital income accrues to the top income households. As the share that is more evenly distributed declined and the share that is more concentrated at the top rose, total income became less evenly distributed and more concentrated at the top. As a result, total income inequality rose† (Jacobson and Occhino, 2012). That machines are able to replace living personnel, is a well-known fact. Many scientists state that rapid technological progress destroys workplaces much quicker, than creates new jobs. This causes the growth of ineq uality in the United States. Such situation occurs in other developed states as well. This is disturbing news as it undermines the belief in technological progress. Technologies are still considered to be a tool that increases the productivity and makes the society richer, but it has a dark side at the same time: technical progress destroys the need for many types of labor and put the average worker in the worst conditions than before. Innovations have never come so quickly, the median income is falling, and there are fewer workplaces. People cannot keep up with technologies, which are being improved so quickly that employees’ skills and organizational structures can’t keep up with the pace. The examples of how digital technologies threaten workplaces can be found everywhere. Automates have been applied in different production areas already for many years. Today in the United States and China fewer people than in 1997 are engaged in production due to automation. Automo bile plants

Monday, November 18, 2019

Diversity in the Workplace (Sociology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity in the Workplace (Sociology) - Essay Example Diversity among the military workers is a challenge itself, but should be also viewed as the number of certain separate aspects and diversities, among which are generation gap, incomes and benefits, communication with civilians, etc. The fact, that 'many large corporations transfer executives and their families to different cities, particularly early in their careers. [] The military is unique in the American labor force in the extent to which it expects its rank-and-file personnel and their families to relocate'. (Segal & Segal, 2004) This creates the principal diversities in the workforce among military. Generation gap is rather common problem among military, as well as among the other kinds of working staff in the country. From the sociological point of view, the principal attention of this aspect should be devoted to relations between the representatives of Generations X and Y. Though both generations display rather comfortable relations with technology, they still tend to have d ifferent attitudes towards work as the notion and the co-workers as the social surrounding at workplace. In the military workforce, where the changes in surroundings occur more frequently due to the geographical and movable character of the military work, it is essential not only to remember the differences, but to manage these differences effectively. Both generations, having much in common, still need different techniques of motivating them at work, which should also be accounted. Stereotypes in relation to generation gap should be eliminated. It is common to judge the person and its attitudes on the basis of the commonly spread assumptions; 'although certain characteristics may be attributed to one generation or another, that does not mean that all people in a particular generation exhibit each of that generations' common characteristics'. (Segal & Segal, 2004) The same characteristics should be eliminated in stereotyping the mostly probable population to serve for military. For example, as Segal & Segal (2004) state, 'enlistment is predicted by parents' education, high school grades, college plans, race and ethnicity'. However, it does not mean that sociologically this or that population layer is more likely to participate in the military, than the other. Thus, stereotyping is a common problem in the military organization. As other issues, it is closely connected with the challenge of active move across the country, or even abroad, for both militaries and t heir families; thus in getting used to the new work surrounding stereotyping should be replaced by immediate feedback and thorough analysis of the actions performed. The diversity in income and benefits directly impacts the performance of the military in one organization. It is clear, that the rank plays certain role, but the process of promotion also influences the attitudes of marines towards the job they have to do. 'When you came up for promotions, your minority status was prominent and was included as a basis for promotion." He recalls the promotion candidates' dossiers being flashed to board members from a microfiche projector. "On the screen was the dossier, and splashed across on a diagonal banner, in big, bold, capital letters was the word MINORITY.' (Waller, 2001) This probably resulted in the inappropriate behavior among marines which has become the subject of ardent discussion in press and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nursing Care Plan for Post Operative Knee Pain

Nursing Care Plan for Post Operative Knee Pain EMORY UNIVERSITY NELL HODGSON WOODRUFF SCHOOL OF NURSING NRSG 360 Clinical Nursing I Clinical Work Sheet for Weekly Clinicals OVERVIEW: (Preparation for clinical week 2) Client’s Initials__L.W________ Age 74YRS___Admit Date_11/17/2014____ and/or Procedure Date _11/17/2014________ Today’s Date_11/20/2014________ Medical Diagnosis/Reason for Admission __Post-operative _pain____ Admitting Diagnosis: RIGHT KNEE REVISION Describe (Brief Pathophysiology in your own words, including HPI)__Patient is a 74 years female with right knee revision due to acute post-operative pain came in for surgical consultation due to continued pain and a valgus deformity after having cast removed. She is on hinged knee brace for stability. Allergies: Ancef, Tolectin 600, Cephalosporins Social Hx Patient is a retired pharmacist, married with children. She is alert and oriented x4; uses tobacco before but quitted 20years ago.__________________________________________________________ HOW ARE THE ABOVE ITEMS RELATED? (Preparation Add on by Clinical week 3) Treatments (Accuchecks, dressing changes, PT, OT, RT, activity order, diet, Isolation, I/O) Medications (See Medication Summary) Systematic Concise Summary of Physical Assessment findings (See Checklist for Routine Bedside Assessment) General: (includes vital signs) BP: 119/69, P: 93, T: 73.3, R: 18, SaO2: 95, Pain: 8/10 Neuro: Alert and oriented x4, Pupils dilated and face expression is symmetry. Cardiac: Clear on S1 and S2. No extra heart sounds, murmurs, or ribs. Respiratory: Breathing is unlabored, chest movement is symmetric. Integumentary: (include wounds) Skin is normal, warm and moist, no skin discoloration. Wound dressing on the right knee and right femur edema. GI: Normal bowel sounds hyperactive in all quadrants. GU: Clear yellow urine Musculoskeletal: Active range of motion on upper extremities, impaired range of motion on lower extremities with brace on right leg. Right foot is dissented. Safety Concerns Fall risk, Pressure sore risk. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIAGNOSIS: *Radiology results; lab; micro; orders Pertinent Diagnostic Tests This includes abnormal and significant normal. Test Date Findings/Results Implications/Nursing care X-RAY knee 1or 2 view right 11/17/2014 Degeneration joint disease Revision of the tibia and femoral X-ray chest 1or 2 view 11/12/2014 Cardiomegaly, Tortuous descending aorta, left basilar atelectasis. Surgery Lab Tests with Rationale for Abnormals and Implication of Findings: Name of lab Reference Range Level at Admit Level on Last Lab Nursing Implications Reason for level SS Date Level Date Level Red blood cell count 3.93- 5.22mmol/L 11/17/2014 2.8210E6/mcl 11/20/2014 2.6410E6/mcl Due to Surgery Hemoglobin 11.4-14.4 mmol/L 11/17/2014 7.9gm/dl 11/20/2014 7.4gm/dl Due to Surgery Hematocrit 33.3-41.4 mEq/L 11/17/2014 25.0% 11/20/2014 24.4% Due to Surgery mEq/L mg/dL Nursing Plan of Care Nursing Plan of Care NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSTIC LABEL (Choose #1 priority problem for patient) RELATED FACTORS Secondary to a Disease or Condition DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS* (As evidenced by signs or symptoms) * Remember â€Å"Risk For† Diagnoses do not yet have defining characteristics! Acute pain Related to knee replacement surgery Subjective: As evidence by pain rate of 10/10 Objective: Lower extremity weakness. Nursing Diagnosis Statement: Acute Pain______________________________________________ PATIENT EXPECTED OUTCOMES/GOALS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) PLANNED NURSING INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE EVALUATION (Not Met, Partially Met or Met) Patient Goal Patient will indicate pain level decrease to less than 5/10 Your Intervention: Administer pain medication Evaluation of Goal Goal partially met, Patient pain level was managed to a level of 6/10. Your Intervention: Facilitate Rest Your Intervention: Provide relaxation and guided imagery. Nursing Plan of Care Nursing Diagnosis Statement_____Ineffective coping ______________________________________________ NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSTIC LABEL (Choose #1 priority problem for patient) RELATED FACTORS Secondary to a Disease or Condition DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS* (As evidenced by signs or symptoms) Ineffective coping Related to pain due to ineffective function Subjective: patient report of anxiety Objective: patient appears withdrawn PATIENT EXPECTED OUTCOMES/GOALS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) PLANNED NURSING INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE EVALUATION (Not Met, Partially Met or Met) In patient terms only, summarize response to intervention Patient Goal (may have several) Patient will learn two coping skills Your Intervention: Encourage family support Evaluation of Goal Goal met, patient was able to relax by listening to , and daughter was there to give a moral support Your Intervention: Administer antidepressant /antianxiety medication Your Intervention: Involve relaxation therapy Nursing Plan of Care Nursing Diagnosis Statement: Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion. NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSTIC LABEL (Choose #1 priority problem for patient) RELATED FACTORS Secondary to a Disease or Condition DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS* (As evidenced by signs or symptoms) Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion. Related to coagulating factors released by bone during surgery. Subjective: Objective: PATIENT EXPECTED OUTCOMES/GOALS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) PLANNED NURSING INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE EVALUATION (Not Met, Partially Met or Met) In patient terms only, summarize response to intervention Patient Goal (may have several) Prevent clotting Your Intervention: Give anticoagulant medication Evaluation of Goal Goal met, Your Intervention: Encourage ambulation Your Intervention: Give compression stockings Nursing Plan of Care Nursing Diagnosis Statement: Risk for fall _________________________________________________ NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSTIC LABEL (Choose #1 priority problem for patient) RELATED FACTORS Secondary to a Disease or Condition DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS* (As evidenced by signs or symptoms) Risk for fall Related to lower extremity weakness Subjective: Objective: PATIENT EXPECTED OUTCOMES/GOALS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) PLANNED NURSING INTERVENTIONS RATIONALE EVALUATION (Not Met, Partially Met or Met) In patient terms only, summarize response to intervention Patient Goal (may have several) Prevent patient from falling Your Intervention: Assist with ambulation Evaluation of Goal Met, patient was able to ambulate to bedside Commode. Your Intervention: Make sure bed is in low position with the rails at the top of the bed up Your Intervention: Involve physical therapy References for your entire clinical worksheet: Ruth F. Craven, Constance J. Hirnle, Sharon Jensen, (2013) Fundamental of nursing: human health and function, (7th Ed). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins Inc. Gulianick, M. and Myers, J. (2003). Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions. Mosby: St Louis Pearson Education http://wps.prenhall.com/ Nursing Central (200-2014) Using web sources in writing, Retrieved from http://www.unboundmedicine.com/ Schedule: *Pt Care Summary; Med list; Pt schedule; task list 7am Visit with patient and getting report from night shift staff. 8am Perform vital signs 9am Giving medication 10am Assist with morning care, mouth care, assist with bath. 11am Head to toe Assessment 12pm Assist to bathroom, Accu-check. State1 personal learning goal for this clinical day: ________Be able to give IV push and make my patient more comfortable. _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you meet your personal goal for the day? _____________________________________________Goal Met, I was able to give IV push of 5% dextrose to my patient after noticing low level of glucose. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Checklist for Routine Bedside Nursing Assessment Mental/Neuro Status LOC Alertness/Orientation PERRLA Mood Behavior Check Patient ID Band Cardiopulmonary Heart Sounds Apical Rate/rhythm Lung sounds Breathing pattern Peripheral pulses Edema Capillary refill Hemodialysis Access – Graft/Fistula – bruit/thrill Oxygen Equipment Vital Signs BP P R Temp Pain SaO2 Gastrointestinal Bowel sounds Abdominal palpation Degree of ABD distension Bowel elimination problems (diarrhea/constipation/flatulence) Nausea/vomiting Genitourinary I O (quantity) Quality (color, clarity, burning) Continence/incontinence (Assistive devices) Reproductive problems/sexual concerns Motor Sensory Function ROM Paralysis Weakness_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________/Numbness/Tingling Assistive Devices Ambulation Wound Cleanliness Swelling/redness.infection Drainage Bandage dressing Integumentary Color Temp Turgor Moisture Integrity Braden Scale Score (Mon, Thurs: rescore at EUH) Invasive Tubes (IV’s, NGT, Wound drains, Catheters, etc..) Device and location IV Line(s): Fluids, Meds, Date of insertion/dressing/tubing Patency and position Redness, swelling, tenderness at site Drainage/Infusion rate Modified by Erin Poe Ferranti, 2005, 2007; Corrine Abraham, 2007 Adapted From: Elkin, Potter Perry (2004) Nursing Interventions Clinical Skills (3rd ed.) Mosby: St. Louis Medications MAR; MAR Summary: Medication Profile* Medication: Name/Dose/Route Time Classification Purpose Side Effects/Nursing Considerations OxyCODONE(10mg=1tab) 1 tablet PO 9:00 am Opioid analgesics Reduce pain Respiratory Depression May cause drowsiness Exenatide (10mcg injection) 1 each BID PRN Antidiabetics Lower blood sugar Pancreatitis, weakness Insulin aspart (BG > 150) (BG -100) /40= unit Antidiabetics Lower blood sugar Anaphylaxis, hypoglycemia Atorvastin (liptor) 20mg=1 tab, 1 tablet PO 9:00 am Antilipidemia Reduce Cholesterol level Chest pain, Rhabdomyolysis BuPRion 300mg=1tab 1tablet PO 9:00 am Antidepressant Treatment for depression Seizure, anxiety, dry mouth, depression ClonazePAM (0.5mg=1tab) 1mg=2tablets PO 9:00 am Anticonvulsant Prevention of seizure Fatigue, constipation, suicidal thought Docusate sodium (100mg=1cap) 1capsule PO 9:00 am laxative Prevent constipation Mild cramps, diarrhea, rashes Enoxaparin 30mg =0.3ml subq 9:00 am anticoagulant Blood thinner Constipation, urinary retention Levothyroxine (25mcg=1tab) 1tablet PO 7:00 am hormonal Treatment for hypothyroidism Tachycardia. Abdominal cramps Alprazolam (0.25mg=1tab) 9:00 am antianxiety Relief of anxiety Constipation, blurred vision Venlafaxine (75mg=1cap )150mg= 2capsule PRN Antidepressant antianxiety Decrease depression, anxiety and panic attack Chest pain, anorexia, itching, epistaxis Hydrocodone (10mg-1tab) 1tablet PO 9:00 am opioid Decrease pain Respiratory depression, apnea, anaphylaxis

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Logic of the Absurds :: Free Essay Writer

Logic of the Absurds Man's fundamental bewilderment and confusion, stems from the fact that man has no answers to the basic existential questions: why we are alive, why we have to die, why there is injustice and suffering, all this serve as the impetus for such a thinking. Man constantly wonders about the truth of life and realizes that the more you expect from it, the more it fails you or may be the more we expect from ourselves the more we find ourselves engaging in a futile battle with the odds. May be the truth is the realization of our limitations and the potency of these odds that press you down with their brutal truths†¦.†¦.brutal?, can the truth be brutal. But the truth is the God, ourselves, the destiny that rules us and fashions us, after a strange decree which we fail to unravel. "What do I know about man's destiny? I could tell you more about radishes." -Samuel Beckett Concerning itself with such questions is the genre of literature is the movement called ‘THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD’. The Theatre of the Absurd (50's) draws on the existentialist writings of Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Camus adapted Dostoyevsky's The Possesed to the stage (1959). Mostly, his writing was concerned with the dilemma of individuals who believe that values are relative but who cannot live without moral commitment. Camus argues that humanity has to resign itself to recognizing that a fully satisfying rational explanation of the universe is beyond its reach; thus the world must ultimately be seen as absurd. The underpinnings of the Theatre of the Absurd are derived from these existentialist ideas that led to Absurdism. Absurdism teaches, much like Camus, that, that which cannot be justified in a rational manner is absurd. Since religion requires a "leap of faith"(Kierkegaard) it is absurd, just as life itself is absurd. The Theater of the Absurd refers to tendencies in dramatic literature that emerged in Paris during the late 1940s and early '50s in the plays of Arthur Adamov, Fernando Arrabal, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco, and Jean Tardieu. A term coined by the critic Martin Esslin, 'The Theatre of the Absurd' refers to the work of a number of playwrights, mostly written in the 1950s and 1960s. Its roots lie in an essay by the French philosopher Albert Camus. In his 'Myth of Sisyphus', written in 1942, he first defined the human situation as basically meaningless and absurd.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Some say there is nothing stronger than a bond between a father and his son. The trying and heartwarming relationship between the father and his son is shown in the story â€Å"Powder† by Tibias Wolff. There are many differences and similarities between the father and his son, maybe a few more differences than similarities but that doesn't stop them from spending time with each other. To begin with, throughout the story the reader makes it clear the differences between the two characters. First off, the father has more of a rebellious, outgoing resonantly whereas the son likes to play more by the rules and stays more reserved.You see this not only in the second sentence where it talks about the father sneaking his son into the club but also when the father calls the state trooper to send him in the opposite direction so they could drive on the icy unfortified road to get his son home for Christmas dinner. You would think that all teenage boys would love a father who is willing to break the rules, but from the story it seems like this kind of actions from his father makes him more uncomfortable because it upsets his mom.Also the father was more of a risk taker where his son looked ahead and thought things out more. You can see this in the conversation In the car when the son talks about his success in school and always getting his home work while his dad Is taking a risk driving on the closed road. Even though there are major differences, the father and son do have some similarities. They both seem to care a lot about their families and their relationship together.Throughout the short story you see the wild and crazy actions of the father UT if you read deeper you see he Is only doing this to get his son home In time so his mother will continue to let him see his son. You can even tell the son cares about the relationship with his father because he's doing things outside his comfort zone such as going on a ski trip and trusting his father to drive on the dangerous, winding road. You can even start to see them bonding In the last paragraph when the son starts to relax and actually for once enjoy the fun crazy adventure his dad Is taking him on Instead of being uptight and worrying.There's many different ways to express your love to the closest people around you. Through the story â€Å"Powder† you see the father trying to show his love to his son by taking him on crazy adventures and showing him a good time. Through these you can see the many differences and saltcellars In the two, but through these differences and saltcellars you begin see them bond and develop a real father-son relationship. Powder By cylindering 123 more.You can see this in the conversation in the car when the son talks about his success in school and always getting his home work while his dad is taking a risk but if you read deeper you see he is only doing this to get his son home in time so his You can even start to see them bonding in the last paragraph when the son starts to relax and actually for once enjoy the fun crazy adventure his dad is taking him on instead of being uptight and worrying. See the many differences and similarities in the two, but through these differences and similarities you begin see them bond and develop a real father-son relationship.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

romeo essays

romeo essays The Differences The play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare is a tragic love story. When reading the play it can be very difficult to understand. This is mainly because you are unable to see the setting and the characters. Two producers, Zefirelli and Luhrmann, have created films based on this play. Both films cover the same major elements of the storyline, however each films has distinguishing features. There are many features that differ between the two films. For instance Zefirellis film was set in the 1500's and Luhrmanns film was set in the 1900's. In Zefirellis film they used horses for transportation and in Luhrmanns film they used cars. Also in Zefirellis film Juliet uses Romeos dagger to kill herself and in Luhrmanns film she uses a gun. Another feature that differs is the fact that when Romeo returns to Verona after being banished in Zefirellis film no one seems to notice , however in Luhrmanns film the police are chasing after him. There are also many features that a re the same in both films. For instance in both films all of the main characters are the same. They also both have the same basic plot. These are just some of the many distinguishing features that are in both of the producers versions of the play. I personally liked Luhrmanns version of the play better because I can relate to it more. Although the language is entirely different it is set in the same times that we live in now. However in Luhrmanns film they seems to leave out and sometimes shorten some of the major parts of the play. I think if you wanted to learn more about the play without reading it you should watch Zefirellis film. Mainly because it follows the storyline more accurately. However if all you want to do is just get a good idea of the basic storyline and spend an enjoyable evening in front of your television then you should watch Luhrmanns version of th...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Law School Admission Personal Essay

Law School Admission Personal Essay Law School Admission Personal Essay Law School Admission Personal Essay While reading Law School Admission Personal Essay you should remember about the main criterion. Essay writing must be personal! While choosing admission essay topicsyou must show your individuality. Illustrate your ideas with vivid examples from your life. Give admission officers an opportunity to learn something interesting about your personality. Admission essay writing is the only way to persuade the reader that you are an appropriate candidate for the law school. Do not ask your friends to write law school admission person essay for you! Be honest while writing law school admission essay and present your personal opinion with examples. Alternatively, you may ask professional writer working at to assist you with writing. Help to write admission essay Editing law school admission personal essay check the following: Is your personal essay about you? You may smile, but this question is the best for checking personal admission essay. Sure, you may not accidentally write about Michael Jackson, however, you may accidentally include some details which perfect you. In most cases, dishonesty is disclosed very quickly. If it is difficult for you to answer this question, raise the alarm: maybe you just went away from the posed question while writing law school essay. What is said about you in college admission essay? Let's suppose that you were able to agree with your alter ego and essay was written about you. To answer the question above, write all the words that directly or indirectly describe you. Do they correspond to your personality or individuality you are trying to create? For example, you would like to describe yourself as 'white' and 'fluffy' (search keywords: white, fluffy), but in the whole essay you found only 'black' and 'slimy' Is the essay written by you? Do not panic, this is not a test for amnesia. Good essays should be approximate to your style as much as possible. In extreme cases, the whole essay must be written in one style. It's similar to strawberry cream: some say 'funny', some say 'odious'. Is it really an essay? You may be astonished by such type of question, but this question is really important. Some candidates, instead of essay, often write reports or another paper. Avoid such a mistake. Write a coherent paper with introduction, main part, and conclusion. At the end check the introduction and conclusion. Reading the introduction, admission officer must want to read the whole essay. To understand the value of the introduction, simply put it aside. If the essay looks effective without introduction - your introduction isn't original. Try to rewrite it. As for essay conclusion, it should be brief and summarize your main points. You are welcome to request custom law school admission personal essay writing help at .com. We know how to create an impressive and properly written admission essay for you! Check this out: Read more: Persuasive Essays on Abortion Essay Papers Draft Essay Rough Essays on the Intranet Womens Rights Essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critical analysis of book The Catcher in the Rye Essay

Critical analysis of book The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example He is resoundingly negative in his view of the world, and his search for an identity is constantly filtered through his dark condemnation of virtually everything and everyone around him. The facts of his life show that he is unable to stick at anything for very wrong: he drops out of several schools, is hospitalized in a mental hospital, and seems unable to connect with anyone in a meaningful manner. This anomie is associated with two traumatic experiences: the death of his brother and the suicide of boy in one of classes. Holden searches for an identity through criticizing everyone around him. His word for them, one that has entered the language as a pejorative instantly associated with the character, is that they are all "phony". Virtually everybody that Holden sees around him is phony, and it is a judgment that eventually makes him turn towards himself. He judges people in a superficial way, and uses humor to cover the fact that he realizes how utterly alone he is in the world. The passage in which he imagines that someone will probably write "fuck you"2 on his grave his hilarious and yet deeply revealing. The fact that he would think about his own grave as a teenager, let alone the abuse that someone would write on his headstone, shows that Holden has a more imaginative and deeper view of the world than his resolute condemnations of everyone suggest. His cursing and his cynicism are perhaps a protection as, like many teenagers, he has no idea of what his real identity is or should be. This tendenc y is seen in the first lines of the book: If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. In the first place, that stuff bores me . . . 3 He adopts the pose of millions of teenagers who came after him: not caring about the world and all its conventionalities of biography, but accidentally reveals that he is surprisingly well-read. He has just been expelled from prep-school, and reveals that he has not only read Charles Dickens, but has understood it well enough to make fun of its conventions. Holden's search for identity throughout the novel is full of such accidental revelations of a deeper self. As with many teenage boys, Holden is obsessed with sex; but unlike many of them he is peculiarly puritanical about the subject. He admits that he is a virgin, and spends most of the novel trying to lose that virginity but also thinks that sex should only occur between people who care deeply about one another. Casual sex is an abomination to him, as when Jane has a date with a boy she hardly knows. At the same time, Holden reveals that he is interested in a much darker side of sexuality, such as the idea of spitting at a lover during the sexual act. Once again this reveals the depth of his imagination: he is a virgin but can imagine a particularly savage form of sexuality that involves humiliating and essentially hating the partner. He regards this behavior as "crumby", but want to indulge anyway. Holden's search for an identity is constantly hindered by his reluctance to move from his supposedly innocent childhood world of genuineness and openness into the hypocritical adult world of phonies. Here his name has important symbolic meaning. Caulfield

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Illegal Immigrants and Their Impact on Jobs in the United States Research Paper

Illegal Immigrants and Their Impact on Jobs in the United States - Research Paper Example Rising costs Injustice Increase in other criminal activities If these issues are addressed in an appropriate manner, it will help us to overcome these problems and the country will be stabilized economically. Problem Recognition: Illegal immigration is itself a grave problem that causes a lot of internal damage to a country. In United States, illegal immigration has reduced employment opportunities for the local citizens of the Unites States. Due to this injustice, the citizens are left with limited or no job opportunities, which increases their frustration with illegal immigrants and the entire social structure of a certain place can be damaged. These illegal immigrants are being paid by their employers or even if they are being paid undercover, we will find the other citizens of the United States of America looking for employment opportunity. It is unethical for the employers to pay the illegal immigrants under the table and even employers are also aware of their unlawful actions. This action also raises discrimination and violation of rights against citizens. As the illegal immigrants are paid under the cover by their employers; they receive more money, they get better employment opportunities than the citizens and then they compete with the other citizens in acquiring the better jobs which gives rise to competition, discrimination, violence and hatred in the society. Also, illegal immigrants do not pay tax because of their illegal status which causes a lot of damage to the economic infrastructure of the country. Therefore it is highly important for the U.S Government to strategize a proper policy to take strong action against employers who hire illegal immigrants and take away the ‘right’ of employment from the citizens. This step will help the economy to recover itself, stabilize the job market condition and equal distribution of rights and opportunities will become available to every citizen. Analysis of the Problem: United States is the only country that is faced with the largest number of illegal immigrants. The rise of illegal immigration is gradually contributing to the increase in U.S population every year. For illegal immigrants, the United States of America is a place with better living conditions and unlimited employment opportunities. Many of the illegal immigrants consider the country as a â€Å"dreamland† where they can make better money and live a high quality life. As a result, every year the country’s population increases due to influx of a large number of illegal immigrants to the United States. It should be remembered that an increase in population is not a worrisome condition. However, it may become such, where a large number of illegal immigrants benefit themselves from the programs created by the government, that are intended to help and facilitate people who do not have affordability or access to benefit themselves for better healthcare facilities, food, medicines and other essential da ily life amenities. These facilities are funded by the tax payers. As the population and the need for these benefits increase, the tax payers are required to pay more tax in order to facilitate the less privileged people on a large scale (Adam David). Hence, we can say that due to large population of illegal immigrants, the less privileged people fail to receive their rights and the tax payers pay more

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Affects of the New Budget of the UK on Built Environment Firms Research Paper

The Affects of the New Budget of the UK on Built Environment Firms - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the Parliament will be implementing austerity measures to combat the growing deficit. The deficit is projected to be  £163 billion, which is historically high. Moreover, for the years 2014/2015, the budget deficit is projected to be  £74 billion, which is still historically high and is 4% of GDP. The current budget deficit is 11% of GDP. Part of the reason for this deficit can be attributed to the economic recession – tax revenues are less in a recession, and government expenditures, such as unemployment benefits, are increased. This is cyclical – once the economy recovers, then the tax revenues will increase, and the government expenditures will decrease. That said, economic recovery is uncertain at this point. Moreover, even after the economy recovers, there are still going to be lasting effects. The government assumes that the productive potential of the country has been permanently damaged by the protracted economic recession, and this is one problem that the UK government will still face. The housing and the financial sectors of the economy have also suffered permanent structural negative effects. The UK government estimates that the permanent structural deficit comprises 2/3 of the current deficit, and that the cyclical effects comprises only 1/3. Therefore, 2/3 of the current deficit is not related to the current economic cycle, which means that 2/3 of the deficit will not be alleviated once economic recovery begins. Therefore, the UK will have to implement additional taxes and will have to cut spending in a variety of areas of the budget. (The Economic Recovery and the Budget Deficit). These budget cuts will have a serious impact on the economy, in particular, firms which specialize in built environment. Therefore, this paper will examine the affects the budget cuts will have on a built environment firm with multiple offices, who shall remain anonymous. Discussion Firm Chosen The firm which was chosen for thi s project is A. This is not my employer. A has offices in Brentwood, Purfleet and Upminster. This firm specializes in carpentry and building services. They are a full service firm, with professionals in the engineering, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and building areas. They also perform commercial work, which includes governmental work. In addition to building residences and commercial buildings, they also do landscaping and groundwork, as well as renovations and refurbishments. They also specialize in loft conversions, which means that they take existing spaces in the roof of residential homes and convert these spaces into livable areas (http://www.milbarnconstruction. co.uk/). Austerity and Neo-Liberalism The UK Parliament is essentially implementing austerity measures, in that they are going to cut spending from the budget, in addition to increasing taxes. This is also known as â€Å"neo-liberalism.† Neo-liberalism, explains Grimshaw and Rubery, is marked the pursuing of low inflation, offering limited state assistance to industries and firms, deregulating product markets and liberalizing capital flows. In the process, the interests of finance capitalists are prioritized. Grimshaw and Rubery state that neo-liberalism results in falling wages, instability and growing debt, because it favors capital over labour. Nevertheless, Grimshaw and Rubery state that, even though the UK banking crisis was at least partially caused by a dearth of regulations on the banks, in the belief that allowing unfettered markets will help the markets grow, the UK did not impose any additional regulations on th

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Case Study Fast Fashion Essay Example for Free

Case Study Fast Fashion Essay After two decades of fast fashion popularity, retailers and consumers have come to realize one of its biggest issues, its impact on the environment. Can fast fashion and sustainability work together? Step 2 The affordability of Fast Fashion is one of the main reasons for its high demand. Lack of authenticity or Intellectual Property. Fast Fashion has forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design. Lack of quality in production Rapid production prevents consumers to get an idea of what’s to expect. (Forecasting) Excess of production. Wastes of these products from the retailers and consumer harm the environment. Reveals what is exposed in runways and fashion shows ahead of time. Fast fashion exploits the young consumer by incentivizing impulse behavior. Consumers are getting used to buying more frequent. Due to such rapid turnover, there’s a lack of exclusivity. Step 3 1. Higher quality, lower quantity. Pros Better option for repair: The customer will rather repair a good quality garment than can last than an inexpensive low quality one. Customer satisfaction: Consumers will be happier with a better value product. Long life: Products that are of better quality will definitely last longer so the consumer wont be forced to dispose. For the retailer, there is a great possibility they may attract a variety of new consumers that do appreciate superior quality. As a result of lower quantity, garments will stand out by look fresher and spacious on the sales floor. Cons Retailers may suffer fewer sales. There is a possibility they may lose some of their usual customers. Fewer options, now that there is a lower quantity. Higher quality means it wont be as affordable for the consumer as it used to be. Companies may have to reinvent themselves and state the fact that they are now enhancing the quality of their products. Consumer will be unwilling to compromise on price. 2. Personalization of Clothing Pros Consumer will be satisfied with having a say in the creation of its particular product. This idea will attract and motivate many more consumers. It’s innovative and fun for the consumer. The design will be personalized and the consumer will want to keep. Cons May require more shopping time for the consumer Products may not be as inexpensive now that the retailer will cater to every individuals needs. Consumers of fast fashion may be disappointed that there will now be less variety. Consumers may not adapt to this idea and reject it. 2. No more wasting, get compensated! Recycle and Reuse. The system involves customers bringing all the used items back to the stores and getting compensated with either a discount or a minimal refund. This is to incentive the customer to care more instead of wasting and harming the eco-system. Pros Companies will be take back used garments and send them off to countries in need. Companies will be able to reuse and reproduce them. Customer’s ability to help other in need is facilitated by the companies they have purchased from. Customers get an incentive to bring items back after knowing they also get a discount/store credit/ refund.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Brexit and Trump on International Marketing

Impact of Brexit and Trump on International Marketing â€Å"In light of the Brexit and other political events in 2016, discuss the possible implications for companies international marketing strategies.† Introduction The world as we know it, is changing. In light of the previous years, humanity has witnessed severe changes in the political arena around the world. The election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States (U.S), the referendum in the United Kingdom (U.K), the failed Coup in Turkey, the breakup of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Rise of the Far-Right in Europe are just some of the major political events that will change and reform the world dramatically imposing changes in businesses international marketing strategies (Foster, 2016; Lindsay, 2016). Amendments in the political scene trigger changes in all aspects of everyday life, with the impact of these alterations depicted in economy, business, society and even in climate. In this paper, an analysis will be conducted to examine the relation between marketing strategy and politics and how they affect the international marketing strategy in terms of standardization or adaption, along with possible alterations in the marketing mix. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to discuss the possible impact that important political events, such as Donald Trump’s presidency and Brexit, had on companies’ strategies. Relations between political environment and businesses In recent decades, the world has observed the globalisation and democratization of markets, a phenomenon that enabled companies to transcend borders and entry international markets (Czinkota, 2016). As Theodosiou and Leonidou (2002) claimed, the globalisation and democratization of international business scene is related moderately to the liberation of trading, which has changed the way companies and marketers design and implement their international strategies. Reduced domestic growth and excessive domestic competition are further reasons for firms moving into foreign markets (Kotler et al., 1996). As companies gain more knowledge and experience in international operation, they progress through stages of internationalization following the Upsala Internationalization Model (Keill0r, Boller & Luke, 1998). In other words, companies had to assess if they will comply with a standardization approach or adapt their strategies in cross-border countries. The former approach was led by: the similarities of countries due to the globalization of markets, the update and expansion of international communication channels and the birth of Internet, while the latter underlined that companies should acknowledge and adapt to the variations amongst different countries (Theodosiou & Leonidou, 2002). Kottler et al. (2011) claim that businesses’ decisions on which market they will enter, and by what means, are based on the evaluation and ranking of several factors. One of them is the risk of the political power that each country and government has. According to Ghauri & Cateora (2014), the importance of the political power over companies can be understood by the recognized authority that each government has, to control and restrict companies’ operations, by either offering support and encouragement or by implementing restrictions in the mode of expropriation, import restrictions (to protect their own industries), confiscation, domestication, price controls etc. It is then clearly understood, that the political environment places power on businesses and plays a great role in international companies’ operations and margin.    Indeed, ‘the ideal political conditions for a foreign firm is a stable and friendly government’ (Ghauri & Cateora, 2014: p.91). Both political climate and continuity of the set of rules established in a country are essential elements of the cultivation of good relations between companies and governments in a mutual beneficial and prosperous way. As Agawal & Feils (2007) suggest, ‘Political risk is highly relevant factor during the pre-entry and post-entry stages of the â€Å"process† model of internationalization.’ (p.166). Therefore, it is ideal for multinational companies to rely on stability to, sustainably, expand and invest. As mentioned, political changes have a great impact on the company’s decisions and marketing strategies. In fact, changes in the political scene have reflections into more factors than just trading policies. When a new government introduces import restrictions and trade tariffs, it affects the prices of goods, since companies trade expenses are increasing (Mor, 2017). In addition, additional border checks make the transport and distribution of commodities slower and more expensive. However, the introduction of tariffs is followed by a variety of non-tariff technical barriers, such as different product standards in labelling, packaging and safety (Mor, 2017). Combining all these together, it is obvious that not only are all four P’s in the marketing mix affected, but also the strategy which is designed by the marketers (Baines, Fill & Rosengren, 2017). Furthermore, apart from the impact to the global economy, political changes affect currency power. To be more precise, changes in governments which influence stock markets and trade, affect the value of the currency (Samson, Wigglesworth & Bullock, 2017), since its depreciation causes the equilibrium in trade to collapse (Melvin & Sultan,1990). Indeed, the value of each country’s currency affects the exchange rates followed by changes in import and export expenses, effecting the company’s competitiveness in foreign markets (Cox, Chu & Rodionova, 2017). Nevertheless, companies, in order to minimize the impact of the political uncertainty and risk, will reassess and readjust a great part of their international marketing strategy, which is thus how they enter the markets, choosing a safer path than the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Indeed, ‘the higher the degree of country risk, the greater the probability is that exporting (contractual agreement) rather than FDI as a market entry strategy will occur at the early (late) standardization phase.’ (Malhotra, Agarwal & Ulgado, 2003: p.19). In other words, FDI implies a ‘higher level of commitment’ (Keillor, Boller & Luke, 1998: p.2). Impact of political events in international marketing strategies Donald Trump Presidency One of the events that altered modern history is the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the U.S. Donald Trump promised a series of political changes with effects extending to businesses and trade, such as reducing corporate taxes by 20%, investments in infrastructure, cutting the trade deficit to enhance job creation within the U.S and the creation of a ‘border tax’ for the companies that trade commodities outside the U.S to the U.S (BBC News, 2017). Trump’s aggressive political strategy, his order to withdraw the U.S from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, failure to effectively renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, and establish fair trading relations with China, has reformed America’s marketing climate. International marketing will experience a great hit, since Trump’s strategy is basically introverted. Trump’s policy leans toward domestically-orientated companies which are expected to succeed in favour of higher economic growth and protectionist trade policies (Samson, Wigglesworth & Bullock, 2017). Trade between the U.S and international companies will be affected since trade restrictions will be imposed and renegotiations will change the way commodities are distributed inside and outside the U.S. Asia and Latin America will be affected the most, while tariffs could jeopardise the exporting of their goods to the U.S. Indeed, according to FXCM (2017), imposed tariffs in imports will pressure multinational companies to relocate production facilities and readjust the distribution channels. China will face the biggest threat since the U.S is the largest market for Chinese commodities; receiving 18% of China’s exports. There are winners and losers of Trump’s policies. In accordance to Milne (2016), pharmaceuticals such as Pfizez, oil & gas companies like Continental Resources are among the sectors that will benefit from Trump’s strategies based on his campaign. However, U.S carmakers who place their production outside the U.S such as GM, Cadillac, Ford and Japanese carmakers, are expected to be affected by the pricing strategies to foreign exchange rates. Furthermore, retailers and consumers will have a significant impact, since his policies will affect their expenses, trade agreement and supply chain; ‘could destroy the cross-border trade between the U.S and Mexico in high fructose corn syrup’ (Milne, 2016). To conclude, by imposing taxes and tariffs, standardization becomes adaption in the biggest world market and the domestically-oriented strategy affect the way marketers place and promote products in this market, insinuating changes in the marketing mix. Moreover, the U.S will affect the marketing strategy of international companies towards this market and they will put pressure to the potential entry of new companies. FDI is now a risk. By implementing new regulations and trades agreements international companies will observe a rise in their distribution expenses towards the U.S, affecting their margin. In order for these companies to survive in this market, they will have to increase prices which will pose a reduction to the consumption of their products, since natives will be attracted by domestic substitutes with lower prices, resulting in a possible loss of their competitive advantage (Milne, 2016). However, in order to maintain or minimize their profit decline, companies will ei ther try to negotiate with the U.S on their trading terms or in the worst-case scenario, costly relocate their activities and abandon this market. Brexit Within the scope of the biggest and most important referendum of modern history, British people voted for the U.K to leave the E.U, in an act that reflects that British people are not keen on accepting the migration tendency and people’s diversity (Czinkota, 2016). According to the same author, Brexit carries the burden of a future conflict within not only the E.U but also between the U.S, weakening their relationships. The importance of Britain’s businesses is reduced, while the British pound has reached its lowest level in the last 31 years (Market Inspector, 2017). As Brexit happened, the country fell into political uncertainty and turbulence. Financial Times (2016) proclaim that Britain is not ready to absorb the consequences of Brexit since the scene is still unclear. In the light of this uncertainty though, not only the U.K’s economy, but also businesses domestically and internationally are affected (Watts, 2017). The impact is great since, in accordance to Market Inspector (2017), exports will be affected if they leave the E.U without negotiating a new trade agreement-imposing tariffs-, resulting in a potential loss of U.K businesses’ competitive power in the E.U and global markets. Furthermore, the loss of access into the Single Market and higher trade tariffs will decrease the FDI flow in the U.K by 22%, a figure which may not be realistic due to the uncertainty of the future trading relations (Market Inspector, 2017). Based on Bowler (2017), the fall of the pound benefited the exporting activity, but it also made travel into international destinations less affordable for the British public, but more affordable for the inbound tourists. However, the worst impact of the pound’s decline was observed in terms of import expenses; a major factor in the U.K’s car industry and in the food and drinks sector (Cox, Chu & Rodionova, 2017). In addition to the general norm of Brexit, some companies already witnessed Brexit’s consequences and took premeasures in order to prepare for the upcoming changes, as depicted in the table below: Figure 1 : Companies Statements of Action in light of Brexit. (Source: Market Inspector, 2017) However, as suggested in Market Inspector (2017), despite the loss of negotiation power within the E.U, the U.K will possibly acquire more control over negotiation with countries outside the E.U, which will allow a fresh start for business deals with countries all over the world, exploring trades with China in a greater extent. By negotiating freely with other countries on its own terms, Britain can capitalize on new trading deals which will benefit international markets. The report produced by Irwin (2015) claims that Brexit exposed several countries in different magnitudes such as the Netherlands, Ireland, and Germany, due to their alignment with the U.K trading policies, while ‘export, supply chain, investment and policy interests of many large corporates would be adversely affected’ (p.39). Similarly to the situation in the U.S, international companies which operated using the U.K as their base or were relying on the U.K’s business economy and economic importance, now face threats and have to be proactive for the future. This implies that marketers should now adjust their strategies to be relevant to the future agreement that the U.K will have with Europe and the world in general. Adaptation is gaining ground since Britain’s referendum was a clear sign of a form of xenophobia and introversion (Czinkota, 2016). Since new trade deals will be imposed and new non-tariff technical agreements will be made (Mor, 2017), product’s place, promotion and price will change, consequently marketers have to readjust not only the new elements of the marketing mix to be effective and competitive, but also the way they enter the market, by reassessing exporting and the advantages of FDI. Conclusion To conclude, an analysis of the relation between politics and international marketing was conducted. Radical changes in the political scene can occur in the most stable governments and are translated in changes in the business world. Tariffs, taxes, boarder checks, non-tariff technical barriers and exchange rates imposed by the new governments according to their campaigns and beliefs, reflect in a business’s international marketing strategy, as the liberation of the markets is now being narrowed and limited. Adaption is gaining power over standardization and companies re-evaluate their strategies under the light of the political changes and the risk within them. The scene in the U.S and U.K is still uncertain, and this feeling is not welcomed by international companies which hunt markets with balance and stability in their internal and external policies, affecting the way and the means which a business chooses to operate within or with them. As the future is unclear, and sever al agreements are in stake, the world in on the edge of major changes in two of the biggest and most important markets. References: Agarwal J.  and  Feils D. (2007) Political risk and the internationalization of firms: An empirical study of Canadian-based export and FDI firms.  Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de lAdministration  24:3, 165-181. Baines, P., Fill, C. and Rosengren, S. (2017). Marketing. 4rth Edition, Oxford Press, ISBN:9780198748533, pp.1-135 BBC News. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Timothy Leary as a Hero Essay -- essays research papers fc

The term â€Å"hero† brings to mind many ideas, many events, and many people. However, one face it generally fails to conjure is that of Timothy Leary. Dr. Leary managed to create a level of infamy few Americans have achieved since this country’s inception; he is the poster-child of the mind-altering hallucinogen LSD and has been labeled by many as the subversive leader of the counter-culture movement of the sixties. Not many people appreciate this great man’s long string of accomplishments, his devotion to scientific progress, or his cheery, irrepressible personality. It is a small circle of people indeed who would label this man a hero, but the truth is that Dr. Leary embodied the principles of courage, discovery, and benevolence, which none can deny are heroic trademarks. No man has shown more courage in the face of adversity than Timothy Leary. One great example of his valor comes from his early years as a cadet at West Point during the 1940’s. After indulging in a quantity of alcohol with some upperclassmen after a football game one evening, Leary found himself before the Cadet Honor Committee of West Point awaiting punishment. The committee decreed that he must avoid social contact of any kind, despite the fact that during his court-martial the charges brought upon him were hastily dropped. For nine months he survived this involuntary solitude, until finally the school asked him to resign because of â€Å"moral problems† that his punishment was causing. Leary agreed on the condition that his innocence would be announced in the mess hall. Two days later, he left West Point. Long afterward, after earning a doctorate in psychology and serving several professorships at prestigious institutions as Berkley and Harvard, Dr. Timothy Leary dev eloped an interest in what he would later become famous for: psychedelics. Originally his studies were sponsored by Harvard, but after drug abuse became a major target of the mass media and politicians, a national frenzy took place and LSD became a Schedule One controlled substance. Leary, intrigued by the success of previous experimentation with the chemical and undeterred by lack of mainstream support, continued his studies privately. This eventually led to conflict between him and the DEA, the Narcotics Bureau, and the CIA. As Nixon fueled propaganda against â€Å"acid† and the counter-culture movement, Timothy Leary championed LSD ... ...n to certain concepts has never wavered. I have relentlessly and faithfully pursued self-exploration, evolution, and innovation as the antidotes to terminal adulthood." No document has recorded an instance of Timothy Leary running into a burning building to save a baby. He never fought a war for his country, discovered a cure for cancer, or negotiated a treaty between two countries. But he was a hero his own right. Dr. Leary led a resistance to the tyrrany of Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, G. Gordon Liddy, and J. Edgar Hoover during a time when America was torn with inner conflict. His career was devoted to helping people mentally, whether they were psychiatrically ill or just in need of psychedelic inspiration. And he stood as a beacon representative of hope, freedom, and peace. Timothy Leary may not fit the conventional definition of â€Å"hero† as found in Webster’s, but to many of his and future eras, he was everything for which that four-letter word stands. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Jones, Bonsey. The Biography Project: Timothy Leary. The Biography Project. 8 Sept. 04 . Leary, Timothy; Quick Biography. Leary.com. 8 Sept. 04 . Timothy Leary Biography. American Buddha.com. 8 Sept. 04 .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Phase III

Panera Bread would like to announce a new cyber-cafe available at all locations. This product has been upgraded to assist the growing desire for a full service Internet accessibility location. A plan consisting of four-phases has been developed to market the new product. Currently most locations provide free wireless Internet access to their customer base. Panera has the biggest free wireless network in the USA. During the peak hours of business the customers’ will have a limit amount of time to use the Internet; the time limit is 30-60 minutes (Absolute Astronomy, 2011). However with the upgrade the locations will not have to limit the number of computers or a time limit. Phase One – Upgrade the Internet accessibility at all Panera Bread locations †¢ Development of product – One in three households has never used a computer. 18% of American households do not own a computer or have Internet access (Absolute Astronomy, 2011). SWOTT – An analysis of the cyber-cafe will find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends in the market. †¢ Market Research – Panera Bread will distribute a survey to the company’s customer base that will lead to a better understanding of the consumer’s needs for Internet accessibility. Phase Two – Marketing to Consumers †¢ Target Market – Consumers between the age of 18-50 †¢ Consumers – Consumers want to access the Internet for various reasons such as keeping in touch with family, friends, accessing research data, and more. Competitors – Knowing the possible competitors and what they will offer. Phase Three – Expectations of the New Cyber-cafe †¢ Attributes –A larger server and reasonably priced cycle – Expected product life cycle for the cyber-cafe will be approximately 10 years. The reaction expected from competitors will cause a high incentive to duplicate Panera’s new era of cyber-cafes. †¢ Strategy and Price – The basic strategy is to provide a need to the consumers of Pan era Bread. The services cost will be in a price range that everyone can afford. Phase Four – Launching the cyber-cafe * The new improved sever to handle the increase in volume * The product will be put into 10 different locations for testing the new service. With the company following the four-phase plan, the management has high expectations for the cyber-cafe’s success. Panera Bread does not expect the service to start declining for at least six years.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Causes of the War of 1812 essays

The Causes of the War of 1812 essays The War of 1812 was not just a battle against an external foe but stemmed from internal problems as well. The external enemy that the United States was facing was Britain, but that was not the most severe dilemma that they faced. The real problem that was occurring during this time was the internal struggle going on in the United States of America. These internal conflicts consisted of matters such as the issue of the north part of the country which was federalist did not want to go into war, but the south part of the states, which were anti-federalist wanted to go into war. Another issue was the war hawks, a group of western and southern leaders that was firmly Republican in their party's loyalty and encouraged war; the war hawks would become a cause for more internal problems facing the United States during the period around the War of 1812. One issue that supports the statement that internal struggle was a factor that led to the War of 1812 is the issue of the dispute between the northern part of the United States; which, being mostly federalist, was loyal to the British, not wanting to go to war and the southern part of the United States, having enough of the British presence on U.S. soil, wanting to go to war. This dispute was over whether or not to go to war; anger and rage flew back and forth during the heated debates about facing Britain in a battle or just backing off. The north wanted to back off and did not want war, while the south craved to get Britain out of the U.S and teach them a lesson. This caused great conflict in Congress and the government as a whole. This conflict grew in size and was one of the major reasons that the U.S. decided to go to war with Britain, without the influence spurred by this conflict, war may have never occurred. The last issue that caused U.S. internal conflict was the presence of the war hawks, a group of southern and western leaders that encouraged war against Britain due to th...