Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 New Reasons To Love CoSchedule [Feature Updates] - CoSchedule Blog

5 New Reasons To Love [Feature Updates] Blog It’s been a busy few months at . We’ve been pushing out features and updates like a beast! Here’s the big list from January, February, March, and April so you can easily stay in the loop with what’s new and awesome at ! 5 New Reasons To Love Your #1 most requested integration, Pinterest, was added to the social queue. We added a sleek new feature to the social queue to help gauge the health of your message schedule. developers worked their magic on the app to make your calendar run even faster and even developed two insanely smart features- Best Time Scheduling and Social Templates- to save you endless hours and make your social messages robust and wicked smart. 1. Schedule Your Pins On Pinterest Your #1 most requested integration is now officially part of the editorial calendar! Save tons of time, with our Pinterest integration, and schedule your Pins directly from . Share visual content from any posts or piece of content to help Pinners discover your blog. You can now save a ton of time by scheduling Pins to #Pinterest with .Use to plan out all your Pins so you can share with your audience at the right time.  And even schedule Pins from around the web to share with your audience with the Chrome Extension social curation tool! Recommended Read:  The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing 2. Gauge The Health Of Your Social Media Schedule Next on our list of updates is the Gas Gauge! Scheduling social media can be slow and tedious. Even more, it can be hard to know if you have the right balance of social messages for your content. To solve  that challenge, we built the Social Queue, and now, its got an even sleeker design to track the health of your social media schedule. With this sleek NEW design, the gas gauge will: Give you a quick snapshot of the total number of unsent messages (no more guessing). Tell you when you need to add more to your social queue. Gauge the health of your social schedule with red, yellow, and green indicators, ensuring you get the most traffic for your effort. Make your life A LOT  easier. 3. Is Better, Faster, Stronger ’s app is better, FASTER, stronger. The calendar is your bread and butter, and we want to make sure that the calendar you use every day gets better and better- even if all the magic takes place under the hood where no one sees it. So while this isn’t the coolest announcement, ’s Ember.js updates will make your life a lot easier. Your editorial calendar is faster than ever!4. Schedule Dozens Of Social Media Messages In Bulk Not only is getting faster, it’s getting smarter. Many of you  have a love-hate relationship with social scheduling- it’s repetitive and tedious- and yet you  know it’s extremely important to your content marketing strategy. As of April though, that love-hate relationship has turned into a love-love relationship. :) Yep, no joke.

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Conjugate the Verb Dare in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Dare in Italian The word dare† in Italian has the following meanings in English: to hand over, to pay, to entrust, to charge, to give up, and to let have. Considerations When Using the Verb Dare It’s an irregular first-conjugation verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -are verb ending pattern.It can be both a transitive an intransitive verb the former taking a direct object and the latter not taking a direct object when conjugated with â€Å"avere.†The infinito is â€Å"dare.†The participio passato is â€Å"dato.†The gerund form is â€Å"dando.†The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo dato.† INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io do, d noi diamo tu dai voi date lui, lei, Lei d essi, Loro danno Ad esempio: Ti do il mio numero di telefono, va bene? - I’ll give you my phone number, okay? Il passato prossimo io ho dato noi abbiamo dato tu hai dato voi avete dato lui, lei, Lei, ha dato essi, Loro hanno dato Ad esempio: Le ho dato un bicchiere di vino rosso. - I gave her a glass of red wine.Vi ho dato la mia fiducia! - I gave you my trust!/I trusted you! L’imperfetto io davo noi davamo tu davi voi davate lui, lei, Lei dava essi, Loro davano Ad esempio: Ogni mese mi dava cinquecento euro. - Each month, he gave me 500 euros.La mamma mi dava sempre un piccolo compito da fare. - My mom used to entrust me with a little task. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo dato noi avevamo dato tu avevi dato voi avevate dato lui, lei, Lei aveva dato essi, Loro avevano dato Ad esempio: Le avevo dato la camera migliore dell’hotel, ma si à ¨ comunque lamentata. - I had given her the best room in the hotel, but she still complained. Il passato remoto io diedi/detti noi demmo tu desti voi deste lui, lei, Lei diede/dette essi, Loro diedero/dettero Ad esempio: Mi diedero il mio primo premio vent’anni fa! - They gave me my first award twenty years ago. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi dato noi avemmo dato tu avesti dato voi aveste dato lui, lei, Lei ebbe dato essi, Loro ebbero dato TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io dar noi daremo tu darai voi darete lui, lei, Lei dar essi, Loro daranno Ad esempio: Quando ci vediamo, ti darà ² una bella notizia! - When we see each other, I’m going to give you good news!Non credo che i proprietari daranno le redini dell’azienda ai figli. - I don’t think the proprietor will hand over the reins of the company to their sons. Il futuro anteriore io avr dato noi avremo dato tu avrai dato voi avrete dato lui, lei, Lei avr dato essi, Loro avranno dato Ad esempio: Le avranno dato una mano. - They must have given her a hand. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io dia che noi diamo che tu dia che voi diate che lui, lei, Lei dia che essi, Loro diano Ad esempio: Non voglio che il mio capo mi dia la promozione, voglio rinunciare! - I don’t want my boss to give me the promotion, I want to quit! Il passato io abbia dato noi abbiamo dato tu abbia dato voi abbiate dato lui, lei, egli abbia dato essi, Loro abbiano dato Ad esempio: Oh, penso che ti abbia gi dato le informazioni per il corso di Italiano. - Oh, I thought he had already given you the information about the Italian class. L’imperfetto io dessi noi dessimo tu dessi voi deste lui, lei, egli desse essi, Loro dessero Ad esempio: Non desiderava che gli dessi soldi, ma so che ha bisogno dell’aiuto. - He didn’t want me to give him money, but I know he needs the help. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi dato noi avessimo dato tu avessi dato voi aveste dato lui, lei, Lei avesse dato essi, Loro avessero dato Ad esempio: Se mi avesse dato un giorno in pià ¹, avrei finito i compiti! - If he had given me one more day, I would have finished the homework. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL In the condizionale/conditional: Il presente io darei noi daremmo tu daresti voi dareste lui, lei, Lei darebbe essi, Loro darebbero Ad esempio: Ti darei questa bottiglia d’acqua, ma anche io ho sete. - I would give you this bottle of water, but I’m thirsty, too.Vi daremmo pià ¹ soldi se foste pià ¹ coscienziosi! - We would give you more money if you were more diligent! Il passato io avrei dato noi avremmo dato tu avresti dato voi avreste dato lui, lei, egli avrebbe dato essi, Loro avrebbero dato Ad esempio: Ti avrei dato pià ¹ tempo da passare insieme, ma ero molto impegnato in quel periodo. - I would have given you more time to spend together, but I was really busy during that time.