Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is There a Future Subjunctive in Spanish

The future subjunctive is the most elusive verb tense of Spanish. It isnt mentioned in many textbooks for Spanish students, and its absent from most conjugation tables. But it still is understood by many Spanish speakers and finds occasional use. Verb Form Has Disappeared From Everyday Use Much like verb forms such as wanteth and saith in English, the future subjunctive in Spanish is all but obsolete. Youre extremely unlikely to hear it used in everyday speech; the only times youre likely to come across it are in literature, in some legal language, in especially flowery language, and in a few phrases such as Venga lo que viniere (come what may, or, literally, what is coming is what will come) or Adà ³nde fueres haz lo que vieres (wherever you go, do what you see, or,  roughly, when in Rome do what the Romans do). It is fairly common in plays from the Golden Age, so it appears that at one time it was used in both speech and writing. But today it has all but disappeared. Fortunately, if you ever have the occasion where you need to know the future subjunctive, its fairly easy to learn if you already know the r form (the more common form) of the imperfect subjunctive. The -ra- in the imperfect subjunctive ending is replaced by -re-, so the future subjunctive forms of hablar, for example, are hablare, hablares, hablare, hablà ¡remos, hablareis and hablaren. Generally, today the present subjunctive is used for both present and future tenses where the subjunctive mood would otherwise be called for. Thus, in a sentence such as espero que me dà © un regalo (I hope she will give me a present) or no creo que venga (I dont believe hell come), the present subjunctive (dà © and venga) is used even though were talking about an event that might happen in the future. You have no need to learn the future subjunctive for  competent use of the language, just as the foreign learner of English typically has no need to learn the verb forms of Shakespeare or the King James Version of the Bible. Future Subjunctive in Literature In literature, the future subjunctive is often used in clauses following si (if) and cuando (when), such as in si tuvieres mucho, da con abundancia (if you have much, give generously). In those cases now wed usually use the present indicative with si and the present subjunctive with cuando. In current legal usage, where the future subjunctive is most common today, the form is used mostly in cases involving an indefinite person (translated one who or he who) as in el que hubiere reunido mayorà ­a absoluta de votos serà ¡ proclamado Presidente de la Repà ºblica (the one who receives an absolute majority of votes will be proclaimed president of the Republic). Sample Sentences Using the Future Subjunctive Lo que hablares lo hablarà ¡s a bulto. (What you speak you will speak without thinking. This is literary use; in modern Spanish, the future subjunctive would be replaced by the present subjunctive.) Ésta es la ley para el que hubiere tenido plaga de lepra, y no tuviere mà ¡s para su purificacià ³n. (This is the law for the one who has leprosy and who doesnt have the means for getting purified. The is from an old translation of the Bible; in modern versions, the present subjunctive is used in both instances.) No pueden ser tutores las personas de mala conducta o que no tuvieren manera de vivir conocida. (Persons of ill conduct or those who have no known means of support cannot be legal guardians. This is legal language taken from current regulations in Spain.) En los establecimientos que vendieren otros productos, solo permitirà ¡n la entrada a los menores con el fin de que compren otros productos diferentes a los licores. (In establishments that sell other products, the entry of minors will be permitted only if they are buying products other than liquors. This is excerpt from current Costa Rican regulations.) Key Takeaways Much like obsolete verb forms found in English literature from Shakespeares day, the Spanish future subjunctive is a verb form that once was common but is no longer has everyday use.In modern Spanish, the future subjunctive has been replaced by the present subjunctive, although the future subjunctive still has some formal legal usage.The future subjunctive is conjugated in the same way as the imperfect subjunctive, except that the -ra- in the ending becomes -re-.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Sexism in American Culture - 1224 Words

When turning on the TV, a car commercial appears with men justifying driving an expensive and powerful sports car by complaining about what females in their lives require. Though women slowly gain economic power, the media never represents them as leaders thus reflecting American culture’s view of women. Sexism prevails in American culture and workforce, teaching sexism while denying its presence. Americans must shift their culture to impede sexism because it oppresses women. Media, one of the most influential reflections of culture, under represents women and displays them in stereotypical positions. Paula Lobo and Rosa Cabecinhas, Professors of Communication at University of Minho, highlight sex-discrimination within the media in†¦show more content†¦Determining women to be less productive, competitive, intelligent, or any other characteristic because of her gender disvalues her, turning her into an object instead of a subject. The pay gap between genders exhibits sexism in America yet some researchers are in denial. Warren Farrell, expert on gender issues within legislation and former board member of National Organization for Women, claims otherwise. In his book Why Men Earn More, he attributes difference in wages to females choosing human resources jobs, which pay less, and not choosing harsher jobs that pay more (Farrell). His overall point is that men sacrifice more thus companies pay more for those sacrifices. His argument only compares the genders when different job requirements alter wages, but does not mention wages of identical jobs. While many Americans and Farrell overlook sexism in careers, it is extremely evident in academia. The ratio of female to male positions and the salaries of those positions are blatant examples of unfairness. Linda Krefting, human resources professor at Texas Tech University and co-editor of Human Resource Reality, depicts the depressing reality for women in her article concerning the academic field. Though women earn 44 percent of doctorate degrees, only 33 percent of them have faculty positions. One would not expect a perfect 50:50 ratio, but this deficit is unacceptable. Additionally, on average women receive salaries 33 percent lower than what a male inShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Sexism In The Joy Luck Club779 Words   |  4 PagesChinese American immigrant families living in San Francisco. The novel is structured into four distinct, anecdotal sections: two dedicated to mothers and two dedicated to daughters. Tan’s approach to structure allows the interlocking stories betwee n mother and daughter to place emphasis on the issue of sexism. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Free Essays

William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is part of a group of 126 sonnets Shakespeare wrote that are addressed to a young man of great beauty and promise. In this group of sonnets, the speaker urges the young man to marry and perpetuate his virtues through children, and warns him about the destructive power of time, age, and moral weakness. Sonnet 18 focuses on the beauty of the young man, and how beauty fades, but his beauty will not because it will be remembered by everyone who reads this poem. We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shakespeare starts the poem with a metaphoric question in line one asking if e should compare the man to a summers day. This asks if he should compare the beauty of a summers day to the beauty of the young man about whom Shakespeare is writing. Line two of this poem states Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Temperate is used as a synonym for moderate by the author. In line two the speaker is describing the man as more lovely and more moderate than a summers day. This emphasizes the mans beauty and how the man is viewed by the speaker. Line three, Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, tells hy the mans beauty is greater than that of a summers day. Shakespeare uses rough winds to symbolize imperfections. The speaker is implying that there are no imperfections in the young man, but there are in the summer, so the man cannot be compared to a summers day. In line four the speaker adds to this thought by saying that the summer also does not last as long as the mans beauty therefore it cannot be compared to it. Line five states another imperfection of the summer. Shakespeare uses the eye of heaven as a metaphor in this line to describe the un. In line six Shakespeare uses the phrase gold complexion dimmed to describe the sun again which means that sometimes the sun is not hot enough, and that, as said in line five, sometimes the sun is too hot. In lines seven and eight the speaker ends the complication by describing how nature is never perfect. Line nine starts the resolution of the poem by using the conjunction but.. Eternal summer in line nine is referring back to the mans eternal beauty, using summer to symbolize beauty, and saying that the mans beauty will never fail like he summers beauty. In lines ten, eleven, and twelve the speaker says that the man, When in eternal lines to time thou growst (line 12) or when he grows old, will not lose possession of what is fair to him, and Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade (line 11) or he will not be poor in health and close to dying. Lines thirteen and fourteen say that as long as this poem is read, the mans beauty will never go away, because every time someone reads the poem they will be reminded of his beauty. This poem that Shakespeare wrote, in the octave, describes how all beauty fades except for the man about whom Shakespeare is writing. The octave also tells of how great the mans beauty is compared to everything else that is beautiful. In the sestet, the poem tells about how the mans beauty stays alive and out lives all other beauty. The poem is written in iambic pentameter. Shakespeare makes use of much symbolism and many other figurative devices in this poem that contribute and emphasize to the overall theme of the poem. How to cite William Shakespeares Sonnet 18, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Audit services of Simtec Ltd Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Audit services of Simtec Ltd. Answer: Non-violation The principle of objectivity needs the professional to be unbiased in the opinion or a conflict of interest should not arise or the opinion should not be influenced by any situation. It implies that the decision should be independent without falling under any undue influence (Church et. al, 2008). The Audit services of Simtec Ltd was managed by the Gordan Accountants from July 7th to 2nd September 2016 and it was stated by Simtec that the final payment will be based upon the receipt of the final report. If the terms and condition of the client are agreed upon by the Gordan Accountant then it would have been a violation of the principle of objectivity because then it would have been an undue influence from the client. Non violation As per the ethical principle of the professional behavior, it must be ensured by the professional that the necessary regulations must comply any activity that tarnishes the image of the profession must be avoided. In this scenario, David Dale is a local accountant and is asked by the Insurance Company to share the details of the client and even offered a 5% commission for every new client. In this case, if David accepts the condition laid down by the Insurance Company then it will be a huge disrespect to the Insurance Company as a professional is not expected to accept any commission from an outside body. Therefore, if David accepts the terms and conditions then it will breach the professional conduct and bring disrespect (Elder et.al, 2010). Self-Review Threat It is a threat that happens when a work or a judgment is required to be ascertained by the person who did that work. In this case, Ellen Davis is appointed as a Senior Account Manager for a span of 4 years in Jenkins Ltd, the firm Thornleigh Accountants appointed for the purpose of the audit. If there is an inclusion of Ellen in the audit team then it is a self-review threat because she has already been a part of this particular client firm and is well acquainted with all the facts and figures (Matthew, 2015). Further, she would not change the facts and figures and the review that has already been submitted. Hence, it will lead to a pre-defined action that will spoil the very nature of the process of accounting. Self-Interest threat In the provided case, John Dargin the audit manager has taken receipt of the accounts from the client Winmalee Ltd. In such accounts, the company has treated the expenditure development as a capital expenditure and did not include in intangible assets. The client has even provided details that were acquired and were sympathetic in their approach while doing the assets valuation. The preparation of reports has been done by the senior staff that has an interest in the profits scenario of the company (Gay Simnet, 2015). The auditor is provided with all the relevant details by the client company that can show the treatment of development expenditure is correct. It can be best described as a self-interest threat as the auditor has a fear that he will lose the client if all the points are not met as per the clients specification. References Church, B, Davis, S McCracken, S 2008, The auditors reporting model: A literature overview and research synthesis, Accounting Horizons vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 69-90. Elder, J. R, Beasley S. M. Arens A. A 2010, Auditing and Assurance Services, Person Education, New Jersey: USA Gay, G Simnet, R 2015, Auditing and Assurance Services, McGraw Hill Matthew S. E 2015, Does Internal Audit Function Quality Deter Management Misconduct?, The Accounting Review, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 495-52